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Reset password

Forgot your password? No problem!
Reset it quickly and easily with these simple steps.

  • Open your web browser and go to the MatterWorx login page.
  • On the login page, click the ‘Forgot Password’ link located below the login fields.
  • Enter Your Email Address:
  • In the ‘Forgot Password’ section, enter the email address associated with your MatterWorx account.
  • Submit the Request:
  • Click the ‘Submit’ button to send your password reset request.
  • Open your email inbox and look for an email from MatterWorx Support with the subject line “Password Reset Instructions.”
  • Follow the Instructions in the Email: Open the email and click on the password reset link provided. This will redirect you to the password reset page.
  • On the password reset page, enter your new password in the designated fields. Make sure your new password meets the security requirements (e.g., minimum length, use of special characters).
  • Confirm the New Password: Re-enter your new password to confirm it, then click the ‘Reset Password’ button.
  • Return to the MatterWorx login page and log in using your new password.
  • If you encounter any issues during the password reset process, please contact MatterWorx Support for further assistance.

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